
EASYY 90 POINTSS, I WILL GIVE BRAINLEASSTTTT..13. The triangle will be dilated by a scale factor of 2.5.(a) What is the length of each of the sides after the dilation?(b) Draw the new image and label it .

Accepted Solution

Answer:Part a) The length of each of the sides after the dilation is[tex]A'B'=30\ units[/tex][tex]B'C'=25\ units[/tex][tex]A'C'=35\ units[/tex]Part b) The graph in the attached figureStep-by-step explanation:Part a) What is the length of each of the sides after the dilation?In this problem we have that the scale factor is 2.5The scale factor is greater than 1so The dilation is an enlargementTo find the length of each of the sides after the dilation, multiply the original length by the scale factorso[tex]A'B'=AB*2.5=12*2.5=30\ units[/tex][tex]B'C'=BC*2.5=10*2.5=25\ units[/tex][tex]A'C'=AC*2.5=14*2.5=35\ units[/tex]Part b) Draw the new image and label itusing a graphing toolsee the attached figure